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don‘t look up to your movie screens
不要到电影屏幕  detail>>
look uto your movie screens
不要到电影屏幕  detail>>
look up to your great name
景仰大名  detail>>
look up to your writing with admiration
仰慕大作  detail>>
don‘t look at me like that
别那样看着我  detail>>
don‘t look back in anger
不要发火的回头  detail>>
don’t look down on others
别瞧不起人了  detail>>
don’t look very well
看上去气色不好  detail>>
look up
查找;【自动化】检查。   detail>>
look up to
敬重 仰望国旗徐徐升起 尊敬,向上看…… 尊敬,仰视 尊敬仰望  detail>>
to look up
仰视  detail>>
don’t abandon your dreams
不要放弃你的梦想  detail>>
don’t follow your conscience
别跟着你的良心走  detail>>
don’t lose your cool
要沉住气  detail>>
don’t lose your grion
不要放开你所抓住的  detail>>
don’t overrun your equipment
不要超负荷运转  detail>>
a look to calm your fears
一看你怕平静  detail>>
but that look in your eyes
可是你的眼神  detail>>